Separation and divorce can feel like standing at a cliff edge or an impasse where the carefully woven strands of your life’s tapestry feel as though they are unravelling beyond recognition. Divorce is often an unfamiliar landscape that can feel bewildering and destabilising.
We are here to offer professional emotional support in what often can feel like the most challenging of life-junctures. We are both qualified psychotherapists, as well as survivors and thrivers of this life-changing process in which hope meets loss and fear meets faith.
We have a deep knowing of how the psychological impact of separation and divorce is so often neglected in the sharp hard focus of navigating logistics and legalities. Mediators or solicitors may be guiding the stressful and jagged edges of finances, but what about the painful psychic toll? Our offering prioritises emotional resourcefulness and the resilience needed throughout the separation and divorce journey.
Terra Ferma: a nourishing, grounding, safe containment to anchor you through your separation or divorce
While each and everyone of our clients will have their individual process, through our experience we have come to recognise that processing a separation or a divorce entails moving through different phases which require an attuned psychotherapeutic support.
Holding and containment
Regardless of who instigated the separation or the divorce, this initial phase can feel like your life has exploded wide open, or that you have gone through a looking glass where everything which was once familiar feels strange and alien.
This phase can be deeply painful and confusing.
We offer you a safe, contained holding to support you with all of the difficult feelings that this phase brings up: grief, shame, anger, jealousy, rage, denial, blame and loss.
We offer you solid ground in which to reacquaint yourself with your new reality as gently and as compassionately as possible.
Exploration and insight
This phase begins when you start finding the desire to enquire deeper into your inner process. Who am I now? What do I really want? How has this process changed me? What can I accept? What am I still struggling with? How do I process disappointment? What’s my relationship with change, with expectation, with reinvention? In this phase, things begin to feel less reactive and more reflective.
The journey begins to feel like an opportunity for exploration and self-inquiry.
Re-emergence and new beginningsThis phase can feel tender and tentative, scary and exciting. It can be deciding that you are ready to fully embrace the changes that your life has undergone. Perhaps you are ready for a new relationship or shifting finances may call forward a new job, a re-training, moving homes?
In real terms, this necessity can often be the birthplace of innovation, but it can also encompass a considerable amount of transitioning. Moving forward while keeping solid, steady ground underneath your feet.